It has always been odd to me. I get into this thinking, deep introverted thinking, that enhances how utterly upset and unfullfilled I feel. Maybe this is a normal, every person goes through this, type of thing. Not many things pique my interest, and I find that strange. I enjoy music, water, beautiful eyes, smiles, and i have never considered suicide as an option for anything. I guess I am happy, but I realize that the world is evenly filled with sad and happy things. Happy things lead to sad things and vice versa.
My feet are cold from standing outside February 1st with no socks or shoes. I'm not bothered by it, because I can feel. My thoughts are connected to this thing called life, and my life gives me feelings and I think and ponder on what these feelings mean or are. What an absolutely strange species we are, humans. Instead of living by instinct we live for learning. We strive to gather more information in order to understand ourselves. We do not understand US. We only have theories and ideas of how we work, internally and externally. A true never ending story.
As I type, I understand that there are peaks and troughs for business activity, weather, happiness, and life. One can only guess at when the ups will be or when the downs will be. How beautiful that is. Uncertainty, as scary as one could imagine, but wildly exciting and open for dictation and discovery.
Show a little kindness in your actions. Love who is close. Hold close the ones difficult to imagine life without. Cry often. Exercise. Eat healthy. Learn new skills. Test new ideas. Meet new people. Let go of old ties. Work everyday towards being someone that you would be proud to call a partner or friend. You only have one life, and your time in this world has an expiration date. Don't let yourself sit on the shelf until your expiration.
Get up and do. Salud my friends.
Thomas G.
My feet are cold from standing outside February 1st with no socks or shoes. I'm not bothered by it, because I can feel. My thoughts are connected to this thing called life, and my life gives me feelings and I think and ponder on what these feelings mean or are. What an absolutely strange species we are, humans. Instead of living by instinct we live for learning. We strive to gather more information in order to understand ourselves. We do not understand US. We only have theories and ideas of how we work, internally and externally. A true never ending story.
As I type, I understand that there are peaks and troughs for business activity, weather, happiness, and life. One can only guess at when the ups will be or when the downs will be. How beautiful that is. Uncertainty, as scary as one could imagine, but wildly exciting and open for dictation and discovery.
Show a little kindness in your actions. Love who is close. Hold close the ones difficult to imagine life without. Cry often. Exercise. Eat healthy. Learn new skills. Test new ideas. Meet new people. Let go of old ties. Work everyday towards being someone that you would be proud to call a partner or friend. You only have one life, and your time in this world has an expiration date. Don't let yourself sit on the shelf until your expiration.
Get up and do. Salud my friends.
Thomas G.